Introduction To Html And Css
Getting started with html and css
HTML is a web language that is used for creating websites, webpages and is used for a little bit of application development. HTML is a markup language and can be written in any form, it can run on any note editor without any required process. HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE also known as html is a very useful language for a beginner in programming and is relatively one of the languages used for front end development in programming. It helps creating all front end development you can find on a website, webpages, log in screen, application etc. HTML maybe a useful language in creating front end development on a site but its not actually a complete one without CSS( cascading style sheet). CSS is like the backbone for html, you can use html to create div box to separate different element for styling on a site and use CSS to bring out the actual design you want. You can create links and div boxes using their respective tags and each representatives on a site with html, call out the representatives from html using their tag name and give more editing properties and designing to them in CSS. HTML and CSS have cool interactive way of linking elements to each other to create and edit a very friendly environment. There is a typical example of a simple basic html and CSS codes that creates a blue background and series of button links and div box in a website.
```<!DOCTYPE html> website